Why your brand needs a story behind it

The story behind your brand is important to share as it is at the heart of everything you do and everything that your audience encounters in relation to you and your business. You shouldn’t worry about sharing too much or making your audience think you’re weird as it is all part of the shaping of your brand message.

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There is a huge amount of power in what brought you on the journey from one place to another, and this power should not be ignored. It provides a massive insight into what drives you and what makes you tick, something that can make the difference between people wanting to be your clients or customers or not.

Branding agency experts will also tell you that your story offers you a unique way in which to connect on a deeper level with your audience, thereby building an even stronger brand. Read more about brand building on the National Federation of Self Employed & Small Businesses website at https://www.fsb.org.uk/resources/building-your-brand.

Brand messaging and your story

Ask the professionals at the likes of www.reallyhelpfulmarketing.co.uk/brand-development/, and they will probably tell you that creating your brand message goes hand in hand with telling your story. Your brand message is all that connects your brand to your audience, and your story is what gives your brand message its meaning.

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Writing your story

In order to convey your story and use it as a positive force in your brand message, it is important to know and understand what that story is. To help with this, grab a pen and jot down:

-Why you ended up where you are

-Your achievements to date

-Your failures so far

-Some stand-out moments

Look at your answers and work out where your journey started and how you got to where you are today. Identify the catalysts or even state that you haven’t yet arrived where you want to be. The important thing is to start identifying your own story and understanding that it really does matter.

It can feel egocentric to focus so much on your own story, but your audience is interested if only because what has shaped you and your business is ultimately what has bought you into their lives. Do not underestimate the power of this connection and the potential it has when it comes to building your brand.

Richard Anderson


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