Our ears enable us to experience the world around us through the various sounds that we encounter, so losing your hearing can be upsetting and frightening. Hearing loss is something that has a range of causes – here are some of the common ones…
Ear Infections – Sometimes ear infections can lead to hearing loss, and although this is usually temporary and it often clears up on its own, it is important to see a doctor if the hearing loss has gone on for a prolonged period of time. It is sometimes the case that antibiotics are needed to clear it up fully.
Ear Wax – Although ear wax is there to help our ears by keeping them clean and protected, it can also cause problems. If you have narrow ear canals or you are prone to ear infections for example, this can mean that you suffer from impacted ear wax. This is when the wax goes hard and sticks in the ear canal and then stops you being able to hear properly, as well as causing pain.
When your ears are blocked by wax, it is important that you go to a professional like this ear wax removal Bristol based company earwax.co.uk/ear-wax-removal-near-me/Bristol to have it removed – trying to do it yourself could make it worse.
Inner Ear Damage – Damage to the inner ear is another thing that can cause hearing loss – it is common for older people to experience this as the ear doesn’t function as well, but it can also be caused by damage from a trauma to the ear such as something being poked in it.