In the central nervous system, cognitive functions such as memory and learning rely on the levels of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals that are produced in the brain and distributed to different organ systems of the body through synaptic bridges by brain cells or neurons. One of the most commonly-discussed neurotransmitter in the medical community is Dopamine. Dopamine runs the dopaminergic system, which helps a lot in brain processes. Like Acetylcholine and other brain chemicals, dopamine is also considered as a Nootropic neurotransmitter for its benefits in brain power, specifically to the mood and motivation of the individual. To learn more please visit
Thanks to technology and science, there are a number of Nootropics today that improve the production levels of dopamine in the brain. Individuals cannot deny that their brain is often subjected to stress; thus, they might be hindering the production of neurotransmitters unconsciously. This can be a bad deal, and could lower the mental efficiency or brain power significantly. Individuals could experience different disorders like clinical depression, anxiety and insomnia. In a worst case scenario, they might experience the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease without reaching the age of 60. In order to maintain the right levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine, people should rely on Nootropics.
Nootropics are often called as mental enhancers or smart drugs because they boost the various cognitive functions by protecting the neurons and improving neurotransmitter levels. Some of the recorded natural and synthetic Nootropics that contain Dopamine are Sulbutiamine, Mucuna Pruriens and Hordenine. Mucuna Pruriens is a powerful herbal extract that could be used to boost dopamine even if it lacks L-Dopa, a natural Dopamine precursor. On the other hand, the synthetic vitamin, Sulbutiamine, increases the density of dopamine receptors D1 & D2. If the individual needs a mild stimulant that can effectively break down dopamine in the brain for better efficiency, the best alternative would be Hordenine.
Individuals diagnosed with ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are commonly taking dopamine-enhancing Nootropics to control the impulsivity and hyperactivity. Research shows that ADHD is caused by the low dopaminergic activity; thus, boosting dopamine is in order to let patients live a normal life. However, dopamine-enhancing Nootropics are also addictive for some individuals. Since dopamine controls motivation in the brain, too much of it could lead patients to addiction. Addiction is the most negative effect of dopamine-enhancing Nootropics; thus, it is advised to take such drugs sparingly or with a prescription from a doctor.